Infographic spread showing launches, and launch vehicles.
Appearing in Summer 2022 issue of Alta Journal.
Spot illustrations for a graphic timeline of 100 pivotal discoveries shedding light on our human history. Graphic by Alberto Lucas López.
Appearing in the November 2021 issue of National Geographic.
Spot illustrations for a timeline of robotics. Timeline graphic by Monica Serrano.
Appearing in the cover story of the September 2020 issue of National Geographic.
Illustrated spread detailing methods for climate smart forest restoration, making forests more resilient to our rapidly changing climate.
Appearing in American Forests Magazine.
Vector illustrations for a spread on 2021’s most important scientific discoveries.
Appearing in the December 2021 issue of National Geographic.
Spot illustrations for a timeline of innovation of Silicon Valley. Graphic by Manuel Canales.
Appearing in the February 2019 issue of National Geographic.
Illustrated graphic calendar showing the bloom periods of 100 common wildflower species of Yellowstone National Park. Graphic was published in the May 2016 issue of National Geographic.
Interactive information graphic for National Geographic's website. Showcasing Alvin's upgrades and overhauls over its 50-year life.
Vector illustrations explaining different methods of farming fish.
A vector diagram of a tidal turbine for Smithsonian Magazine.
Motion graphic about the rise of the Food Truck industry appearing in the July 2015 issue of National Geographic.
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