Space weather can have a profound effect on our activities on Earth, and we are in the peak of solar activity.
This graphic explainer illustrates the effect that space weather, and powerful coronal mass ejections, has on Earth’s magnetosphere. Published in the September 2024 issue of Scientific American.
Bizarre ‘Hot Jupiter’ Planets Keep Surprising Astronomers. There are three possible theories to explain how these exoplanets form.
Published online March 2024 for Scientific American.
Outcomes in quantum mechanics depend on observations. But must the observer be human, or would a sufficiently sophisticated AI be enough to influence results?
Illustrated infographic published in the July/August issue of Scientific American.
Infographic on the continued journey of Voyager 1 and 2, 45 years after their launch. Appearing in the July 2022 issue of Scientific American.
Art direction by Juan Velasco, 5W Infographics.
Infographic spread showing launches, and launch vehicles.
Appearing in Summer 2022 issue of Alta Journal.
Infographic explaining the NASA’s DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, and other methods that could deflect or redirect asteroids from potential impact with Earth.
Appearing the in June 2021 issue of Scientific American.
A pair of infographics describing the path of the first two interstellar objects detected traveling through the Solar System.
Published in the October 2020 issue of Scientific American.
Since the end of the Apollo program, no human has traveled beyond Earth’s orbit. But that hasn’t stopped us from exploring every corner of our solar system. Our unmanned crafts have taken selfies on Mars, plunged into the depths of Jupiter, and traveled further than any object in history, into interstellar space.
Graphic appeared in the July 2019 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
Graphic design for the January/February 2019 issue of Smithsonian Magazine, showing a timeline of American history and all the years the country has seen some armed conflict or war.
Migrating birds use a variety of navigational cues to make their journeys. The sun, stars, landmarks, and even Earth’s magnetic field offer directional information to keep birds on course. This graphic appeared in the March 2018 issue of National Geographic.
Graphic about the Voyagers' 1 & 2 courses through our solar system and into interstellar space. Printed in the August 2017 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
Design and illustration for a timeline for 1968, a seismic year in social and civil rights movements and the Vietnam and Cold wars. Published in the January/February 2017 issue of Smithsonian Magazine.
We've sent over 40 missions to theMars: flybys, orbiters, landers, and rovers meant to study all aspects of the Red Planet. This graphic looks at the history of Martian exploration. Some were utter failures, others tremendous successes.
Published in the November 2016 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
The changes occurring in the Arctic will have far-reaching, global implications. As the Arctic warms and sea ice recedes further, joint cooperation between the eight Arctic range countries is required to create forward-thinking, climate-smart policies.
Design and illustration of map depicting sea ice and trade routes in the Arctic. Published in the Summer 2017 issue of World Wildlife Magazine.
Illustrated graphic calendar showing the bloom periods of 100 common wildflower species of Yellowstone National Park. Graphic was published in the May 2016 issue of National Geographic.
Graphic showing the overall births worldwide and the rate of births by cesarean section. Responsible for research, concept, and graphic. Published in the April 2016 issue of National Geographic.
As a group, vultures are the most endangered birds in the world. Their numbers around the world have seen catastrophic decline. This graphic illustrates the many evolutionary adaptations that make vultures crucial and irreplaceable members of their ecosystems. Published in the January 2016 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
Main art by Mattias Snygg.
Illustrated graphic about the discovery of a particular plant species growing atop kimberlite pipes, the geologic formations that bring diamonds to the Earth's surface. Published in the February 2016 issue of National Geographic.
Infographic about the evolution of dinosaurs. Small size helped dinosaurs adapt, leading to the group's only surviving members, modern day birds. Published in the June 2015 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
Art direction and graphics for spread published in October 2015 issue of National Geographic magazine. I was responsible for research, concept, art direction, graphics, and animation. Art by Nick Kaloterakis.
China's explosive economic growth in the last century is reflected in the production of cement. This graphic shows the history of cement production in China compared to the U.S. Published in the February 2016 issue of National Geographic.
Illustrated infographic describing tropical plants' ability to attract echolocating bats by shaping the echoes of the bats' calls. Featured in the March 2014 issue of National Geographic. Shown is the graphic as it ran in print and four screenshots of the tablet edition.
This graphic, published in the March 2016 issue of National Geographic, shows the distribution of positive to negative words in select languages. As it turns out, most languages lean towards positivity.
Infographic describing three major 3D printing technologies. Published in the December 2014 issue of National Geographic Magazine.
Interactive information graphic for National Geographic's website. Showcasing Alvin's upgrades and overhauls over its 50-year life.
Nothing happens without a cause. What began with the first humans leaving Africa over 60,000 years ago has lead to countless journeys, inventions, and discoveries. The same spirit that lead man to first journey across an ocean has also lead man to set foot on the moon. This timeline, featured in the June 2013 issue of National Geographic, traces the paths of human exploration around the globe and beyond.
Information graphic from the April 2012 issue of National Geographic. Titanic rendering by Nick Kaloterakis.
Motion and print graphic about the rise of the Food Truck industry appearing in the July 2015 issue of National Geographic.
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