Illustrated comic on how AI models generate images from text.
Published in the October 2023 issue of Scientific American.
A particular set of atmospheric conditions are required for tornadoes to form. This comic graphic explainer was published in the July/August 2023 issue of Scientific American.
New science studies the roach’s best defense against the parasitic Jewel Wasp: a little old fashioned wrestling.
Illustrated spread appears in the February 2021 issue of Scientific American.
Illustrated comic graphic explaining what happens to whatever falls into a black hole. Published in the September 2022 issue of Scientific American.
Global and regional effects of climate change amplify the severity of extreme weather events, as was the case with nor’easter, Riley, which devastated the northeastern U.S. in 2018.
Illustrated graphic appeared in the June 2019 issue of Scientific American.
Illustrated comic graphic on the origins of life on Earth. Published in the June 2018 issue of Scientific American.
Comic story for World Wildlife Magazine about a conflict tiger in the Russian Far East, Uporny. It was captured, rehabilitated, and released into the wild. Researchers monitored it movements, gaining incredible insights into the life and death of an elusive species.
Destruction and theft of cultural antiquities are often linked to conflict. Since the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, looting has risen to devastating levels, with ISIS as one of the biggest perpetrators. This illustrated spread was published in the June 2016 issue of National Geographic.
An animated version can be found at
Comic spread, On Sinister Pond, for November 2014 issue of National Geographic. Awarded Bronze at Malofiej 23.
Animated video can be seen at
Interactive version at Silver medal winner at SND Digital 2015.
Comic spread, The Case of the Fearless Rat, for November 2014 issue of National Geographic. Awarded Bronze at Malofiej 23.
Animated video can be seen at
Interactive version at Silver medal winner at SND Digital 2015.
Original comic about a hunted man in the west. Written and illustrated by yours truly.
Original comic about the last days of a mountain man. Written and illustrated by yours truly.
Cover concept for a comic pitch called, Blood Brother.
Character sketches for the comic, Grim Hunt.
Character sketches for a comic project called, Blood Brother.